Big Data Analytics Suite
DSSTM (beta 2)
Medimco® has launched the second beta version of its Decission Support Suite (DSS) package.
We are are currently trialing the solution with a handful of healthcare clients. Please contact us for further information.
Big Data is more than a buzzword these days. Unfortunately it is still an enigma in traditional healthcare.
It is MEDIMCO's mission to decipher it. From better patient outcomes to a more transparent healthcare system to more accessible and affordable care, big data can and will change and improve many aspects of healthcare today.
" We know that at any given time there are pentabytes of valuable healthcare data. The information is scattered, unnaccessible and unutilised to a large degree. Even once this data becomes visible to decission makers, it is often unreadable.
Medimco® DSS will make it not only meaningful, but also a cornerstone of ehalth transformation"
- Rob Maroszek, Managing Director, MEDIMCO®